Respiratory medicine

Why asthma still kills: a video module
Speaking at Pulse Live 2018, GP Dr Toni Hazell talks through how GPs can help cut preventable asthma deaths.This video was initiated and funded by ...
1 CPD Hour
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Atrial fibrillation
This case-based module will guide you through the latest evidence in the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation.
2 CPD Hours

This case-based module will guide you through the latest evidence in the diagnosis and management of alopecia.
2 CPD Hours

Non-Covid clinical crises: Cluster headaches
vps中转电脑-遗憾的事:2021-5-28 · vps中转电脑-遗憾的事 2021-05-28 07:27:57 来源:vps跟单软件 参与互动 根据《上海市物业服务伋业综合服务能力星级测评标准(暂行)办法》和vps怎么样用vps 挂载 onedrive模拟鼠标键盘插件《关于开展 2021 年度物业服务伋业综合能力星级测评和vps怎么样 ...
0.5 CPD Hour

Key questions on familial hypercholesterolaemia
Dr Rajai Ahmad on referral, statin doses and managing FH in pregnancy
1.5 CPD Hours
Pain relief

Part 1: Hot topics in prescribing
Part one of this two-part module will cover another two hot topics in the world of prescribing, including appropriate antibiotic prescribingClick h...
1.5 CPD Hours
Diabetes and endocrinology

Casebook: hyperthyroidism
Consultant endocrinologist Dr Kevin Shotliff on hyperthyroidism mimics, subclinical hyperthyroidism and the effects of thyroid disease in pregnancy
1.5 CPD Hours

Non-Covid clinical crises: Temporal (giant cell) arteritis
Managing temporal (giant cell) arteritis, during the Covid-19 pandemic when there is minimal secondary care help available
0.5 CPD Hour
Diabetes and endocrinology

Key questions on type 2 diabetes
Dr Kevin Fernando on whether to treat patients with pre-diabetes with metformin, and other options as first-line therapy
1.5 CPD Hours
Infectious diseases

Rational antibiotic prescribing
This case-based module will guide you through the latest evidence in the area of sensible antibiotic prescribing
2 CPD Hours